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About Demo
Sep 20
This publication is used for creating demonstrations of what different kinds of cards look like.
Front Page
Sep 19
Use a Shortcard whenever you want to bring people together to understand or improve something. This is illustrated by the following examples:
Israel-Palestine Conflict
Sep 19
The modern state of Israel was founded in 19481 as a result of Jews fleeing persecution elsewhere. Migrants were often motivated by the belief that Jews should have a country of their own (Zionism)2.
Demo Elementary School
Sep 17
School is currently in-person. To attend school, kids must adhere to our covid-safety policy  - including rapid tests each morning.
Rob Ennals
Sep 17
My name in Rob Ennals. I grew up in England, and now live in Sunnyvale, with my wife Jenelle and sons Isaac (6) and Owen (4), in Sunnyvale, California.
Teens Team
Sep 17
The role of the Teens Team is to increase usage of the product by Teens, our highest value demographic. We will do this by making changes across the surface of the entire product.
Jan 9th Login Drop
Sep 17
On Jan 9th logins dropped by 50%1. The issue has not been resolved and we do not yet know the cause. This is considered a code-red issue.
Sep 17
Covid-19 is a pandemic virus that emerged in China (possibly due to a lab leak) and has killed over 4M people worldwide.